Kennel License: 2356581 FEIN: 88-1326217

Feral and Stray Cats Services

Education and Networking

We're not happy just being a safe place; we also function as a reliable source of information and connections. We know that people need to learn more about feral behavior in order to help these animals, who are often ignored. Heavenly Cats, Inc. gives people, communities, and rescue groups the knowledge they need to understand the special needs of feral and stray cats through in-depth teaching programs.

The staff, which is made up of passionate pros, is happy to share their knowledge about how cats behave, which is helpful for people who want to connect more deeply with their cats. Heavenly Cats, Inc. also works closely with rescue groups, creating a strong network that goes beyond the walls of its shelter. Through networking and teaching, the group works to make the world a better place for all cats, no matter what their past is. They want all cats to be understood, respected, and given the chance to do well.


Let's Connect Paws and Hearts!

We're thrilled that you're reaching out to Heavenly Cats, Inc. Whether you have questions about our sanctuary, want to explore adoption, or are eager to support our mission, your message matters. Your interest could be the key to unlocking a world of love and care for these deserving cats.